P.O. Box 2395, Holland,
MI 49423 (800) 838-7474
Contact Us Here
Youngevity is a company dedicated to providing you
and your family with the best information, health
and nutritional products you need to lead a full,
healthy and happy life. This site contains the
best and most complete products on the market
today. These are the products of the 21st century
— the products that will help you achieve your
potential for maximum health and longevity. We are
in the people helping people business! We make our
money and lives by helping people grow as persons,
get healthy and live life with more money and
freedom. |
- We do
this by educating people about the importance of
health and nutrition in today's environment.
- We do
this by helping people get healthy and stay healthy
with the best products on the market today.
- We do
this by helping people establish a successful home
business of their own with Yougevity's
Associate Stairway to Success Home
Plan and teach them how they can get the products
they need for free.
stand behind our convictions and ethics,,,
Health, Support and integrity first, money second!

Healthy Start!
of mining, farming, irrigation and acid rain
have eroded life giving minerals from our soil.
These mineral deficient soils are then used to
grow and cultivate our food. Because of this,
our food may be lacking in the essential
minerals. In fact, Dr. Wallach has stated “one
sentence has killed more people than all the
wars in American history. . . You get all the
nutrition you need from the four food groups.” |